Personal Details
Academic background: M.Sc in Microbiology, Ph.D in Biotechnology
Joined WBES on: 18/01/2016
Joined Bidhannagar College on: 18/01/2016
Number of Publications: 7 (Seven)
Mobile: 8777025804
Email: upal_das_ghosh@yahoo.com
URL of Google Scholar/Research Gate/ORCID/Personal Website:
Name of the Colleges served till date
- Bidhannagar College
Areas of Specialization
- Molecular Biology & Microbial genetics
- Microbial Taxonomy
- Bioinformatics
Areas of Teaching
- Molecular biology & Recombinant DNA Technology
- Microbial genetics
- Virology
- Bioinformatics & Computer-aided drug designing
Areas of Research Interests
- Bioinformatics & Computer-aided drug designing
- Microbial taxonomy
- Environmental Microbiology
List of Publications (Journal/Proceedings)
- Dasgupta P, Ghosh U, Roy R (2023) Biofilm formation in acute and chronic infections with special emphasis on common chronic and nosocomial infections. Defence Life Science Journal. 8(2): 170 – 182.
- Paul K., Saha C., Nag M., Mandal D., Naiya H., Sen D., Mitra S., Kumar M., Bose D., Mukherjee G., Naskar N., Lahiri S., Ghosh U., Tripathi S., Sarkar M., Banerjee M., Kleinert A., Valentine A, Tripathy S., Sinharoy S., Seal A.,(2019) A Tripartite Interaction among the Basidiomycete Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, N2-fixing Endobacteria, and Rice Improves Plant Nitrogen Nutrition. The Plant Cell Nov 2019, tpc.00385.2019; DOI: 10.1105/tpc.19.00385
- Ghosh U, Singh P., Ganguli S., Saha C, Seal A, MitraGhosh M (2019) Rhizospheric soil of Typha angustifolia L from heavy metal contaminated and free sites: Comparative profiling reveals selective abundance of γ-proteobacteria and β-proteobacteria. IJEB 57: 733-740
- Ghosh U, Mitra Ghosh M (2017) Diversity of rhizospheric bacterial community of Typha angustifolia varies depending on heavy metal contamination in soil. Proceedings of RUSA funded international level seminar on Recent trends in microbiology, R.K.M.V. ISBN: 978-93-82094-13-5.
- MitraGhosh M, Ghosh U (2015)Rhizospheric Iron Oxidizing Bacteria from Typha angustifolia Growing in Heavy Metal Enriched Wetlands of Jaduguda Uranium Mine Tailings, India Assisting Phytoremediation by the Plant. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology 12(2)
- Ghosh U, Saha C, Maiti M, Lahiri S, Ghosh S, Seal A, MitraGhosh M (2014) Root associated iron oxidizing bacteria increase phosphate nutrition and influence root to shoot partitioning of iron in tolerant plant Typha angustifolia. Plant and Soil 381:279-295 doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2085-x.
List of Publications (Book/Chapter)
- Chakravarty D., Bhattacharya D., Ganguli S., Ghosh U (2023) Targeting microbial biofilms using genomic guided drug delivery In Microbial biofilms: Challenges and advances in metabolomic study. Eds: Sanket Joshi, Dibyajit Lahiri, Rina Rani Roy and MubarakAli Davoodbasha. pp 315-324. ISBN: 978-0-323-95715-1
- Ghosh U (2022). Radiation resistant microorganisms In Extremophiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Application. Eds. Masrure Alam, Bipransh Kumar Tiwary. Bentham Science Publication. ISBN: 978-981-5080-36-0 (Print), ISBN: 978-981-5080-35-3 (Online) DOI:10.2174/97898150803531220101
List of Lectures in Seminars/Conferences
- Das Ghosh Upal, Mitra Ghosh Mahashweta: Microbe assisted phytoremediation : a study with the rhizospheric bacteria of Typha angustifolia. National seminar on Contemporary era of sciences: Biological and chemical interface.2019.
- Das Ghosh Upal, Mitra Ghosh Mahashweta : Rhizospheric iron oxidizing bacteria influence plant growth promotion and iron accumulation potential in Typha angustifolia. 3rd RSTC at Bidhannagar College, 2018.
- Das Ghosh Upal, Ganguli Sayak, Mitra Ghosh Mahashweta: Study on rhizospheric bacterial community of Typhaangustifolia: A genome based approach. International seminar on Frontiers in Biological science at St. Xavier’s College, 2018.
- Das Ghosh Upal, Mitra Ghosh Mahashweta : Rhizospheric Iron oxidizing bacteria influence root to shoot partitioning of Iron in tolerent plant Typha angustifolia: A step towards microbe assisted phytoremediation. International conference on Microbiology in the new millenium: from molecules to communities at Bose Institute, Kolkata, 2017.
- Das Ghosh Upal, Mitra Ghosh Mahashweta: Rhizospheric iron oxidizing bacteria from Typha angustifolia growing in heavy metal enriched wetlands of jaduguda uranium mine tailings, India assist phytoremediation by the plant. National level seminar at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2014.
- Das Ghosh Upal, Mitra Ghosh Mahashweta: Role of bacteria in plant growth promotion under heavy metal stress condition. UGC sponsored national level seminar at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, 2013.
- Das Ghosh Upal, Chatterjee Gunjana, Sadhukhan Shreya, Sen Paramita, Ganguly Koelina , Dey Rohit, Datta Saikat , Mitra Ghosh Mahashweta: PGPR activity of bacteria isolated from root and rhizospheric soil of Typha angustifolia growing in heavy metal enriched mine tailings. New Biology section. 100th Indian Science Congress 2013, Kolkata.
- Das Ghosh Upal, Saha Chinmay, Mitra Ghosh Mahashweta: Role of iron oxidizing bacteria in making iron plaquees on roots of plant Typha & making it tolerant towards heavy metals. Environmental Science section. 98th Indian Science Congress 2011, Chennai.
On-going or Completed Research Projects
Awards/Grants received
- 1st class 1st in M.Sc Microbiology & Microbial Technology from the University of Kalyani in 2008.
- CSIR JRF in 2009