Personal Details
Academic background: M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D
Joined WBES on: 01/04/2002
Joined Bidhannagar College on: 01/03/2019
Number of Publications: 25 (Twenty Five)
Mobile: 9330926102
Email: mrinalkantis@gmail.com
To view my detailed CV, click here
Name of the Colleges served till date
- Darjeeling Government College
- Taki Government College
- Barasat Government College
- Bidhannagar College
Areas of Specialization
- Logic
- Applied Ethics
Areas of Teaching
- Logic
- Applied Ethics
- Social and Political Philosophy
- Analytic Philosophy
Areas of Research Interests
- Applied Ethics and Psychology
List of Publications (Journal/Proceedings)
- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: ;Ethics and Moral Challenges;Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar and Sangita Dey Sarkar;Educational Administration: Theory and Practice;2024,30(5).12367-12372;ISSN 2148-2403;Scopus Index Journal.DOI- https://kuey.net/index.php/kuey/article/view/5135
- Rasa: The Aesthetic Pleasure In Sanskrit, Prof. Sangita Dey Sarkar and Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, The Scientific and Technical Literature in Sanskrit: The Art and Entertainment within it. Pg.105 111 , Dec, 2013, Department of Sanskrit, Sammilani Mahavidyalaya, ISBN 978-81-928589-0-6,Peer Reviewed.
- Euthanasia and MTP - Two Sides of the same coin, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, AUREOLE,Vol-5(No.2)Pg no.32-39 2014, Barasat Government College,0976-9625,Peer Reviewed.
- Surrogate Motherhood:Empowerment or Exploitation, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar,Albert Science International Organization ,Vol.1,Issue 1Pg no. 01-03,Oct, 2015, ASIO, 2455-2224,Peer Reviewed.
- Soundaryo: Bastugato na Monogato, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, The Scientific and Technical Literature in Sanskrit: The Art and Entertainment within it.Pg.21-22 Aug, 2015, Department of Sanskrit, Sammilani Mahavidyalaya, 978-81-928589-3-7,Peer Reviewed.
- Land Ethics and its relevance in the field of Environmental Ethics. ? Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar and Prof. Sathi Debnath ,International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 6 Issue 8, 2016, ISSN: 2249-2496,Pages 916-925
- Wombs an Loan: Navigating through Some key Ethical Issues to Empirical Solution ;Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar and Prof, Sathi Debnath ,International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol 06,Issue 11, November,2016, IJMRA, 2249-2496, UGC Approved, Double blind Peer Reviewed.
- Suicide: Is it really anti - life ? Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar and Prof. Sathi Debnath International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 7 Issue 6, June 2017, ISSN: 2249-2496,Pages 531-539
- Applied Ethics: It’s Nature and Methods Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar and Prof. Sangita Dey Sarkar, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 8 Issue 2, February,2018, ISSN: 2249-2496, Pages 1131-1136
- Religious Concepts of Death, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Prof. Sangita Dey Sarkar, International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol 09, Issue 6th June 2019, IJMRA, 2249-2496, UGC Approved, Double Blind Peer Reviewed.
- Gandhian concepts of peace and non-violence : A means of socio-political progress, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol 10, Issue 03, March 2020, IJMRA, 2249-2496, UGC Approved, Double Blind Peer Reviewed.
- Is abortion Justified? A Philosophical Observation, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol 10, Issue 04,April, 2020, IJMRA, 2249-2496,UGC Approved, Double blind Peer Reviewed.
- The tripartite model of Soul: Plato and Freud -A comparative Study, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Prof, Sangita Dey Sarkar, International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol 11,Issue 04, April, 2021, IJMRA, 2249-2496, UGC Approved, Double blind Peer Reviewed.
- Acharya Brajendra Nath Seal: The Idea of Universal Religion, Prof, Sangita Dey Sarkar, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Scholary Research Journals,Vol.9,Issue 66, Pg.15647-15653,SEP, 2021, SRJIS, 2278-8808, International Peer Reviewed & Refereed.
- Internet and Human Rights, Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol. 11,Issue 12, December, 2021, IJMRA, 2249-2496, UGC Approved, Double blind Peer Reviewed.
- Respect for Life and Human Dignity, Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Prof, Sangita Dey Sarkar, Scholary Research Journals, Vol.10,Issue 51,Pg.12741-12746, May , 2022, SRJIS, 2348-3083, International Peer Reviewed & Refereed.
- Is surrogacy a face of Baby selling? Prof. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Prof, Sangita Dey Sarkar Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science,Vol.5,Issue 6,Pg.08-11, June ,2022, Shikshan Sanshodhan , 2581-6241, Peer Reviewed & Refereed, Indexed Research Journal.
- Does surrogacy lead to Identity Crisis? Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publication,Vol.5,Issue 1,Pg.108-110, June , 2022 , IJMRAP, 2581-6187, International Peer Reviewed & Refereed.
Matritw ki shudhui narider Dharma? Ekti darshonik Parzalochona, Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Pratidhwani the Echo,Vol-10,,Issue 4, July 2022, ISSN: 2278-5264,A Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal of Humanities & Social Science.
Pratinidhitwakari Matritwa Nari khamotayoner Protik, Kichu Darshonik Proshno o tar Bichar, Prof, Sangita Dey Sarkar, Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Pratidhwani the Echo,Vol-10,Issue 4, July 2022, ISSN:, 2278-5264, A Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal of Humanities & Social Science.
Advertisement and Morality :A Philosophical Observation, Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - Ijcrt (Ijcrt.Org), Vol.10 , Issue 09, Sep ,2022, ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882,UGC Care -International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal.
Atmohatya Ki Atmomarzada Rakkhar Poth Hote Pare? Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Pratidhwani the Echo, Vol-10,,Issue 4, October, 2022, ISSN:, 2278-5264, A Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal of Humanities & Social Science.
Child Labour and violation of Human rights: A Philosophical Exploration, Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, International Jounal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol 11,Issue 3 March,2023, ISSN ,UGC Approved Journal No. 2320-2882UGC Care International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals.
Is empathy better than sympathy? Dr. Mrinal Kanti Sarkar;International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts; Vol 11,Issue 8, August, 2023, ISSN 2320-2882; UGC Approved International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal.
- Indian Reservation system-A philosophical review,Prof,Mrinal Kanti Sarkar,International Journal of Research in social Science,Vol.11Issue 08,August,2021,IJMRA,ISSN 2249-2496,UGC Approved,Double blind Peer Reviewed.
List of Publications (Book/Chapter)
- Uchhyamadhyamik Darshon , XI. The Calcutta Publishers-vide T.B.No: WBCHSE/GG561E12/2013
- Uchhyamadhyamik Darshon , XII. The Calcutta Publishers-vide T.B.No: WBCHSE/GG4518/XII-13-15
- Surrogate Motherhood: Empowerment or Exploitation – A Philosophical Exploration. ISBN: 978-93-95632-04-1
List of Lectures in Seminar/Conferences
Acted as a Resource Person, delivered topic “Right to Live vs Right to Die” -A Philosophical Observation . Seminar Organized by the department of Philosophy, 10th May,2024 Department of Philosophy , Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan ,in collaboration with IQAC, Kolkata
Sri Ramakrishna Paramhanso : Narir Khamotayoner ekti anuprerona: State Level Seminar Organized by the department of Philosophy, 4th May,2024 Department of Philosophy , Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan , in collaboration with SUTRADHAR Publication, Kolkata
Acted as a Resource Person, delivered topic “Euthanasia: Right to Die with Dignity”,Seminar Organized by the department of Philosophy,23rd December, 2022,Department of Philosophy ,Chandraketugarh Sahidulla Smrti Mahavidyalaya, Berachampa,North 24 Pgs,College Level
- “Human Rights in the New normal”,‘Role of Technology in the new normal:Social,Ethical and Psychological Challenges’,5-6 December,2022,Department of Philosophy ,Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan ,In collaboration with Scottish Church College, Kolkata,International Seminar
- Acharya Brajendra Nath Seal: The Idea of Universal Religion,“Contemporary Bengali Thinkers in Philosophy,Value and Education”,6th and 7th of March, 2020,Department of Philosphy and Education ,Surendranath College for Women & Department of Philosophy,University of Calcutta,International Seminar
- Acted as a Resource Person, delivered topic “Kant’s Theory of Knowledge”,Seminar Organized by the department of Philosophy,4th December, 2015,Department of Philosophy ,Taki Government College,College Level
- RASA: The Aesthetic Pleasure in Sanskrit,“The Scientific and Technical Literature in Sanskrit”: The Art and Entertainment within it”December 18-19,2013,Department of Sanskrit, Sammilani Mahavidyalaya,UGC Sponsored National Seminar
- Women & Literature: Different Faces, Different Voices,16th& 17th January,2012;Departments of English,History,Philosophy & Sanskrit, Barasat Government College,One day National-level Seminar
- Women Empowerment: Commemorating 100 Years of International Women’s Day ;24th and 25th February,2011 ;Department of History, Sammilani Mahavidyalaya,UGC Sponsored National Seminar
- Stress Management in Modern Life,22nd January,2011,State Institute of Physical Education for Women, Hastings House,UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar .
- Participated in the Seminar on“Epistemology: East and West” ,Organized by The Society for Comparative Philosophy, Presidency College , Kolkata on 30th January,2004
- Participated in the ICPR Sponsored Seminar ‘PHILOSOPHY OF PROFESSOR RASVIHARI DAS ,Organized by The Indian Academy of Philosophy, Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture,Kolkata-29 on 25th to 28th February,2004
- Participated in the UGC Sponsored Seminar ‘Ethics: Classical and Contemporary Issues ,Organized by Department of Philosophy, University of Calcutta, on 22nd and 23rd February,2005.
- Participated in the UGC Sponsored Two-day Seminar on “Rights of Women in Ancient India in the Context of Human Rights” Organized by Victoria Institution on 23rd 24th March.2006.
- Participated in the UGC SAP (DRS Phase-1) Seminar on “The Conditions of Knowledge: Kantian and Post Kantian” Organized by University of Calcutta on November,2007.
- Participated in the Two-day National Seminar on “Morality in International Relations and Public Affairs” Organized by Jadavpur University on 20th and 21stFebruary, 2008.
- Participated in the Seminar on “Reason and Emotion: Revisiting the Binary” Organized by Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University on 15th March,2008.
- Participated in the Seminar on ‘Orientation Programme on National Service Scheme” ,Organized by University of Calcutta , on26th May,,2009
- Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on “ Inclusive Education: Challenges Ahead in Higher Education”Organized by Govt College of Art and Craft and West Bengal Government College Teachers Association, Presidency College, Kolkata on 23rd January,2010.
- Participated in the UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar on “ Stress Management in Modern Life ”State Institute of Physical Education for Women,Hastings House on 22nd January,2011
- Participated in the Seminar on ‘Metaphysics: Multidimensional philosophical ,Organized by Department of Philosophy, University of Calcutta, on 6th March,2013
- Participated in the Two days UGC National Seminar on “The Scientific and Technical Literature in Sanskrit: The Art and Entertainment within it” Organized by Department of Sanskrit, Sammilani Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata on 18th and 19th December,2013.
- Participated in the Two days UGC National Seminar on “Language and Mind: 20th Century Perspectives” Organized by Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University on 30th January, 2014
- Participated in the ICPR sponsored Seminar on “Gender and Identity: Some Philosophical Reflections” Organized by Department of Philosophy, Asutosh College on 20th March,2015.
- Attended the Webinar on VCs’ Round Table- Higher Education beyond Covid-19 ,Organized by ABP Education, on 30th May, 2020
- Attended the National Webinar on ‘Exploring the Environmental Crisis and Pandemic Health Care in Nightingle Bicentennial ,Organized by Department of IQAC, Sister Nibedita Govt. General Degree College for Girls, on 22nd July, 2020
- Participated in the State Level Webinar on “Well-being during COVID-19 Pandemic: Psycho-Philosophical Perspective” Organized by Department of Philosophy, Krishnagar Government College on30th July, 2020
- 4.Participated in the ICPR sponsored National Webinar on ‘Yoga: In theory and Practice’ Organized by Department of Philosophy, RKSMVV on 5th July, 2021.
- Acted as a Resource Person, delivered topic 'Right to die with dignity' in astate level seminar,Organised by GGDCM and in association with Indian Council of Philosophical Research ,New Delhi,on 24th March,2023
On-going or Completed Research Projects
- Surrgate Mothehood: Empowerment or exploitation,UGC,2014-2016
- Justification of the Application of Euthanasia in India,UGC
Awards/Grants received
- Doctor of Philosophy from WBSU
- Grant of Rs. 2,45,000 from University Grants Commission
- Grant of Rs. 40,000 from University Grants Commission
Member of Academic Bodies
- Life Member of NOVA