Personal Details
Academic background: M.Sc, Ph.D
Joined WBES on: 17/08/2006
Joined Bidhannagar College on: 04/12/2010
Number of Publications: 7 (Seven)
Mobile: 9434506048
Email: mousumi.ms@rediffmail.com
Name of the Colleges served till date
- Darjeeling Government College
- Bidhannagar College
Areas of Specialization
- Taxonomy of Angiosperms
Areas of Teaching
- Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Biosystematics; Mycology, Reproductive Biology, Economic Botany
Areas of Research Interests
- Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Biosystyematics; Floristics; Biodiversity; Anatomy; Ethnobotany
List of Publications (Journal/Proceedings)
- Mukhopadhyay Mousumi, Maiti, G. G., 2014, Morpho-Anatomical study of the genus Eleocharis R.Br. (Cyperaceae) West Bengal, Journal of Botanical Society of Bengal, 68: 123-132.
- Effects of air pollutants on morphology and epidermal features of some selected plants growing near Darjeeling Railway Station, West Bengal, India Vol II: 52-58(2016) (Received: 20.01.2016, Accepted : 17.03.2016) Teacher’s journal, Nabadwip Vidyasagar College ISSN 2395-5627 Vol.II
- Systematic study on the diversity of murophytes of Krishnanagar City (Nadia, West Bengal, India) and adjoining areas 71(1&2): 63-66(2017) (Received: 21.07.2017, Accepted : 05.08.2017) Journal of Botanical Society of Bengal ISSN 0971-2976
- Phytoremediation: An Emerging Technology for Pollution ,Prevention, Control and Remediation Vol III: 133-138(2017) (Received: 29.04.2017, Accepted : 15.09.2017) Teacher’s journal, Nabadwip Vidyasagar College ISSN 2395-5627 Vol.II
List of Publications (Book/Chapter)
- Nil
List of Lectures in Seminar/Conferences
- Morpho-anatomical study on the genus Liphocarpha R.Br. (Cyperaceae) of West Bengal p.g. 167-174 International Seminar on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperms Systematics ISBN:978-93-5067-867 2012
- An Ethnobotanical study on Limboos of North Sikkim 716-724 International Seminar on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperms Systematics ISBN:978-93-5067-867 2012
- Plants used as traditional food by Bhutias of Lachung, North Sikkim National science Meet -2016 Hiralal Mazumder Memorial College for Women in collaboration with West Bengal state University(2nd March–3rd March, 2016)
- MORPHOMETRY OF SOME SEEDS OF Coelogyne Lindl. (ORCHIDACEAE) FROM SIKKIM AND DARJEELING HIMALAYAS. UGC Sponsored One Day State Level seminar On Modern Aspects of Plant Sciences with Special Emphasis to Biodiversity and Conservation Department of Botany, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose college, Kolkata in collaboration withBangabasi College, Kolkata (23rd May, 2016)
- Monoletic and Polyletic synfloresnence- a new arena of reproductive biology UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Teaching in Botany in21st Century: Prospects & Chanllenges Department of Botany, Bidhannagar College (6th& 7th August, 2016)Bengal, India
- Indigenous knowledge of Ethnomedicine of Limboos of West Sikkim UGC Sponsored NationalSeminar on Medicinal Plants, Health and Environment Department of Botany, Acharya Prafulla Chandra College, New Barrackpur (9th& 10th September, 2016))Bengal, India
- MORPHOMETRY OF SOME SEEDS OF Dendrobium Lindl.(ORCHIDACEAE) FROM SIKKIM AND DARJEELING HIMALAYAS. National Symposium on Advances in Biology: Exploitation of Phyto-resourses Department of Botany, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam College, New Town , Kolkata (2nd& 3rd November, 2021))Bengal, India
On-going or Completed Research Projects
- Completed,One UGC Minor Research Project: Systematic study on the flora of bricks and rock constructions of Krishnanagar city ( Nadia, West Bengal, India) and adjoining areas
Awards/Grants received
- UGC Minor Project
Member of Academic Bodies
- Indian Assiciation Of Angiosperms Taxonomy (IAAT)
- East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy (EHSST).
- Botanical Society of Bengal (BSB).